Friday, September 20, 2013

Pepper Spray 411...

Pepper spray enables you to defend yourself while keeping a safe distance from an attacker. A one second burst to the face will cause temporary blindness, choking, coughing, and nausea-bringing the attacker to his knees. The active ingredient in Damsel In Defense pepper spray is Oleoresin Capsicum (O.C.), commonly referred to as red pepper. When considering which pepper spray is most effective, one must consider the percentage of pepper being used and the heat rating of that pepper (measured in Scoville Heat Units or S.H.U.). At 18% and two million S.H.U., Damsel In Defense carries the hottest, most powerful pepper spray available worldwide. The potency of this spray enables it to bring down even the most aggressive assailants.

I am going to be giving away a FREE Damsel in Defense Pepper spray through my facebook page.  
Go and check it out.. Give my page a LIKE and then when we hit 100 likes, I'll be doing the drawing.. Easy Peasy!!

History of Pepper Spray

Derived from the cayenne pepper plant, oleoresin capsicum (OC) or pepper spray first came to prominence via the US Postal Service in the early 1980’s as a dog repellent. By the end of the decade the FBI and other law enforcement agencies had introduced pepper spray to their field operatives as a non-lethal weapon ideal in subduing crime suspects. Today pepper spray is successfully used by millions of law enforcement and non-law enforcement people in the US and throughout the world.

How Pepper Spray Works

Pepper spray is simply that, cayenne pepper in spray form. Pepper spray’s active ingredient is OC or oleoresin capsicum. The OC is derived from Cayenne peppers, which are some of the hottest peppers in the world. Extraction of oleoresin capsicum OC from peppers involves finely ground capsicum, then the capsaicin is extracted in an organic solvent such as ethanol. The solvent is then evaporated, and the remaining wax like resin is the oleoresin capsicum. Pepper Spray OC is a highly inflammatory agent. Contact with eyes, nose, throat and lungs cause immediate dilation of the capillaries. This can result in temporary blindness and instant inflammation of the breathing tube tissues and systematically cuts off all but life support breathing. Pepper spray will also create an intense burning sensation on the surface of the skin. However, pepper spray will cause no lasting after effects. The effects last from 15 to 60 minutes. Because pepper spray is an inflammatory agent and not an irritant it is effective on those who feel no pain such as those under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Pepper spray cannot be shipped to MA, MI, NY or WI, or via any air delivery services (Overnight, 2 Day, etc.).
Must be 18 years of age to operate or carry.

For more information on my Self Defense Seminars or Products....

or if you are interested in joining my mission to Empower, Educate, and Equip EVERY woman, you can visit my personal website at or go to my facebook page at  

I'd love to hear from you!! 


Monday, September 16, 2013

A Perfect World...

"Gen, we live in a really safe area.  Do you really believe women need this stuff around here?"  Said my brother to me yesterday....

So, do I really believe we need my products EVERYWHERE??? 

I will give you the short answer first......


This is NOT a Perfect World.  

I happen to live in small town America.  I consider myself to be very lucky to have been raised here but to have also had the experience of living and traveling all over the globe, to areas that were not so safe. 

I have lived in places where you have to have barbed wire and an armed security guard at your personal home.  Places where you actually have to sleep with a panic button by your bedside and a panic room.  

Here's the truth.... Where I live now and in this wonderful area where I was raised, women are probably LESS secure than the ladies who live in the areas with the panic buttons and barbed wire... 

?????Wanna guess why??????

Because in the scary places, women are EXPECTING and ANTICIPATING the Dangers.

Here in Small Town USA, we go about our days never really believing it can happen here or worse yet, not even thinking about it at all.  We leave our car doors and house doors unlocked.  We set our purses ON TOP of our cars while we put our children into their safety seats without even looking to see who's behind us or around us.  We put headphones in both ears and jog down streets and paths. One town near my home has a public pool.  I can't tell you how many 7 year old children I see, riding bikes to the pool.. by themselves!!!!!!  

AND then.. when something happens.... you know what we say??  

"I can't believe this happened here.  We live in such a SAFE place!".  

Being aware that bad things can happen ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME is the first step to staying safe.  
It does not mean living your life in FEAR.  I keep saying it but it's so true...

Danger is REAL.  Fear is a CHOICE.  

Having a plan and staying aware of Danger does not mean living in FEAR.  It means you are living EMPOWERED and YOU are making the choices ... You are making the choice to keep yourself and your family safer.  

So, yes.  I believe that until we can say we live in a Perfect World, even women in SAFE areas need my products and training.  

For more information about my products and my trainings, please visit my facebook page at or my website at

Friday, September 6, 2013

Real-life Survivor

My name is Gennifer Akroyd.  I am a mother.. a wife.. a teacher.. a daughter..and a sister... I am a real person. 
16 years ago, someone tried to put another label on me..

I had taken basic self defense classes prior to that day and he got more than he bargained for when he grabbed me.
Instead of becoming his "victim".. I chose another label for myself... "Survivor" ....

Prior to that day, I had never truly given my personal security a thought.  Sure, I'd taken the self defense classes but I never really believed I would need those skills.  That was something that happened to other people.. not to me.

The dusky, early evening when I needed those skills, I was not in some dark alley or in a bad neighborhood.
I was 10 feet from my own front door.

You can do all you can to avoid trouble... but, sometimes it comes looking for you.

Are you prepared if it does?? 

 "Danger is real, Fear is a Choice...."
This is my mantra.  
As women, we need to feel secure and we need a plan.

I became a Damsel in Defense in April.  I believe EVERY woman should have the plan, skills and equipment to defend themselves should trouble come to find them.

I do Self Defense seminars and teach basic self defense skills... not fancy ones like the martial arts guys teach.. I teach down and dirty SURVIVAL skills that will get you out of an altercation, should you ever find yourself in one.

I also carry a full line of NON-LETHAL self defense products through Damsel in Defense.  I believe the NON-LETHAL part is important.  As women, we are nurturing caregivers.  Most, if faced with danger would still hesitate to pull a trigger and end a life... even when fearing for your own.
Hesitation is the last thing you need when threatened.  When you have NON-Lethal options, there is no hesitation to use them.  You aren't going to kill anyone.. but YOU are going to survive and get away.  At the end of the day, THAT is the most important outcome.

More information about my classes can be found at

There is also more information about the products I sell at

I am on a mission to Empower, Educate and Equip ladies to not be victims of violent crime.
If you share my passion.. check out my websites.  We are spreading Damsel in Defense across the USA.  We are only a 2 year old company and there is lots of opportunity.  Why not make a paycheck while changing lives??  I can help to train you to do what I do...

"1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetimes.
College age women are 4 times more likely to be assaulted.
Every 2 minutes someone in the US is sexually assaulted.
One aggravated assault occurs every 35 seconds."

Don't be a Statistic!  Be a Damsel!!  and not a Damsel in Distress.. Be a Damsel in Defense!!!
Contact me for more details...
Like my facebook page at ...
or email me.. my email is available on my webpage.
(I don't post it here due to spammers but it is available on my website.)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm on a mission!

Our Mission

Join-Our-MissionOur mission consists of three principles that together we feel can change the world one Damsel at a time.
Damsel In Defense is…
EQUIPPING and giving women access to products that can protect them. Most women have never held a stun gun and can’t tell you where she could find one to see, hold and purchase. We are changing that!
EMPOWERING women to protect themselves. We are hearing it from customers time and again. Having an item in your hand in that dark parking lot just makes the walk to your car feel safer. It is not a false sense of security, it's knowing that you are better off just carrying a deterrent than you were empty handed
EDUCATING women by providing them with resources to back up their purchase with self-defense training. Our relationships with our customers and our fight against the National Statistics does not end at the time of purchase.
Our company stands by self-defense products AND self-defense education. We realize that when you go to a gun shop and buy a gun that the clerk behind the counter does not take you to the shooting range to teach you all the ins and outs of aiming and firing, however we feel it is in the best interest of all women to express the importance of self-defense education to our customers. We hope that you will consider equipping yourself with the self-defense training whether you purchase personal protection products or not.
Damsel In Defense offers a product line that runs alongside an emotionally charged topic. Because of this we understand that we may not always have a fan in every person we come across. We pride ourselves on continuously staying educated and informed on the most current information. There are some that believe that self-defense should be down and dirty and not be wrapped up in a pink package. We disagree. Unfortunately, women are intimidated enough by personal protection products. It takes a lot for a timid woman to fire a stun gun. Damsel In Defense prides itself on making women feel more comfortable about arming themselves. Where else is a woman more comfortable than surrounded by friends at a party in her own home? Now we can offer her one of our wonderful Damsel Pros to bring them directly to her. The reality is that we are bringing self-defense tools into homes of women who would have otherwise never purchased a product of this nature. They were just too intimidated to walk into a cop shop and worried that they may be viewed as paranoid by their peers. NOT ANYMORE.

Contact me at or like my facebook page at for daily uplifting and empowering safety tips. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Danger is real... FEAR is a choice

Did you know that the national statistic is that 1 in 5 women in the USA will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime. ...
think about that for a minute....
1 in 5.
One in Five will not just be mugged for her phone or her computer or her purse...
she will be sexually assaulted.
College age women are 4 times more likely to be attacked. 
I've discovered one thing for certain... Danger is Real, FEAR is a choice. 

I joined Damsel in Defense as an Independent Damsel in March of 2013 because I decided I was no longer going to live in fear and not have options if trouble ever came to find me again...
16 years ago, someone tried to make me a statistic, a victim.  I chose to fight and to instead be a survivor.
He was never caught. I've always just wondered who he chose next.  Was she as strong as I was?... Did he bring a weapon to his next attack?... Did he finally succeed in making someone else a victim??  These warped and sick people don't just give up when they don't get what they wanted.. they look elsewhere.
Then there was the other side of it.. the mental toll it took on me.
The nightmares.
The panic when I would hear someone running up behind me...
I can say from personal experience that this is no way to live. 
Here's the truth..
Danger is real. There are bad people out there who we need to defend ourselves from.
Fear IS a choice.. because once you have a plan and the right tools in place... there is no longer a need to live in fear, you have a plan and you know what you will do if you ever need to.
There is a big difference between danger and fear and once you recognize that, you can start to live without the fear. 

If you would like more information about my self defense seminars or the self defense products I sell, please email me at or you can visit my website at or like my facebook page at for daily empowering safety tips.
Empower, Educate and Equip yourself to not become a statistic or a victim and don't live in fear!!!