Monday, September 16, 2013

A Perfect World...

"Gen, we live in a really safe area.  Do you really believe women need this stuff around here?"  Said my brother to me yesterday....

So, do I really believe we need my products EVERYWHERE??? 

I will give you the short answer first......


This is NOT a Perfect World.  

I happen to live in small town America.  I consider myself to be very lucky to have been raised here but to have also had the experience of living and traveling all over the globe, to areas that were not so safe. 

I have lived in places where you have to have barbed wire and an armed security guard at your personal home.  Places where you actually have to sleep with a panic button by your bedside and a panic room.  

Here's the truth.... Where I live now and in this wonderful area where I was raised, women are probably LESS secure than the ladies who live in the areas with the panic buttons and barbed wire... 

?????Wanna guess why??????

Because in the scary places, women are EXPECTING and ANTICIPATING the Dangers.

Here in Small Town USA, we go about our days never really believing it can happen here or worse yet, not even thinking about it at all.  We leave our car doors and house doors unlocked.  We set our purses ON TOP of our cars while we put our children into their safety seats without even looking to see who's behind us or around us.  We put headphones in both ears and jog down streets and paths. One town near my home has a public pool.  I can't tell you how many 7 year old children I see, riding bikes to the pool.. by themselves!!!!!!  

AND then.. when something happens.... you know what we say??  

"I can't believe this happened here.  We live in such a SAFE place!".  

Being aware that bad things can happen ANYWHERE and at ANYTIME is the first step to staying safe.  
It does not mean living your life in FEAR.  I keep saying it but it's so true...

Danger is REAL.  Fear is a CHOICE.  

Having a plan and staying aware of Danger does not mean living in FEAR.  It means you are living EMPOWERED and YOU are making the choices ... You are making the choice to keep yourself and your family safer.  

So, yes.  I believe that until we can say we live in a Perfect World, even women in SAFE areas need my products and training.  

For more information about my products and my trainings, please visit my facebook page at or my website at

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